Primary: TWICE a week for 45 minutes
Intermediate: THREE times a week 45 minutes, Tutorial- 30 min
* Two days/week – physical education with Coach High & Coach Lowman in the gym
*One day/week – healthy bodies with Mrs. Lasick in Healthy Bodies
Rules for Participation
- Wear sneakers or rubber sole shoes. NO FLIP-FLOPS OR STRAPLESS SHOES! Preferably no boots – they are hard to run in.
- Shorts MUST be worn under dresses or skirts.
- Two plans for participation:
- PLAN A – play the game with all the other children & have fun! PLAN B – run a lap, walk a lap for the entire class period.
Plan B occurs after MAJOR rule violations, refusing to cooperate with the teachers, after not wearing appropriate shoes for the 3rd time that 6 wks.
If an inhaler is needed for physical activity, please bring an extra one to put in Coach High’s office. (Write name clearly on it, not just the prescription label)
Guideline to be excused from Physical Education
- A signed note from the parent must be given to the classroom teacher (They will get it to Coach High) explaining the nature of the illness.
- Exemption from PE IS ALSO EXEMPTION FROM RECESS!!! It’s considered as part of your child’s physical education minutes.
- More than three consecutive days of no participation REQUIRES a written excuse from a doctor, this will be given to the nurse.
Behavior Rules
- Listen and follow directions
- Stop, look, and listen on the signal
- Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself
- Show good sportsmanship and be respectful
- Handle the equipment with care
Most importantly…..HAVE FUN & GET MOVING!!!
Hey Coach! I’m about to do 5 push-ups!! 🙂